We're tying the knot
Theo & Niken
Saturday, 7th May 2022
May 7th, 2022 | 11:00
And the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.
M A R K 1 0 : 8 - 9
Mr. Ir. Tjipto Suwendi, SE
Mrs. Cynthia Widjaja, SH
Mr. Dipl. Ing Paulus Sugiharto (†)
Mrs. Elsye Suzanna G. Uring
Wedding Wishes
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Due to current pandemic situation, with a deep regret we inform you that we are unable to share our joy with you in person. We have decided to limit the number of guests for health and safety reasons. It would be a great honor for us if you could join our virtual wedding. Thank you.
Live Streaming
11.00 AM
Please click the link below to join our celebration
Thank You
Thank you for your prayers and blessings as we embark on this new journey ahead.
We hope that we can reunite with everyone soon.
Warmest regards,
Theo & Niken